Local webserver for modern web development.

ServerChef is the easiest way to simplify your web development workflow. With ServerChef, you can get productive immediately instead of wasting hours on configuration and debugging.

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Everything you've asked for and more

Unlimited VirtualHosts

Develop as many projects in parallel as you like. ServerChef supports unlimited VirtualHosts for both nginx and Apache.

Flexible Enviroment

Choose between any combination of PHP, nginx, Apache with the click of a button. Production parity has never been easier.

Automated Tasks

ServerChef run all your tasks for you, from compiling stylesheets to optimizing images with built in support for Gulp and Grunt.

Simple demo & testing

Create demo URL from ServerChef control panel to share your local work instantly with anyone over the internet. Say goodbye to sending screenshots or uploading your code every time you have some change.

Mac, Windows and Linux Support

ServerChef runs on any system that can run VirtualBox. Collaborating across multiple platforms has never been easier.